using FfiChannels; Bindings.register_callback((bytes) => { var data = bytes.ToByteArray(); Console.WriteLine($"Callback called, bytes: {string.Join(',',data)}"); }); Bindings.start_listening(); Console.WriteLine("Press key to send"); Console.ReadKey(true); Bindings.send(new byte[]{ 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 }, 10); Console.WriteLine("Press key to exit"); Console.ReadKey(true); // var receiving = Bindings.ReceiveAsync(); // Console.WriteLine("Press key to send"); // Console.ReadKey(true); // Console.WriteLine("Hello world, sending data to Rust:"); // Bindings.send(new byte[]{ 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 }, 10); // Console.WriteLine("Press a key to receive"); // Console.ReadKey(true); // var data = await receiving; // Console.WriteLine($"Received: {string.Join(',',data)}");