#!/bin/sh #get latest non patch release candidate kernel and busybox version busybox_latest="$(curl -s "https://api.github.com/repos/mirror/busybox/tags" | jq -r '.[0].name' | tr "_" ".")" kernel_latest="$(curl -s "https://api.github.com/repos/torvalds/linux/tags" | jq -r '.[] .name' | awk '$0 !~/-/' | head -n1 | cut -c2-4)" #backups for when hitting ratelimits during testing :) #kernel_latest="6.7" #busybox_latest="1.36.0" echo "Using kernel version: $kernel_latest" echo "Using busybox version: $busybox_latest" kernel_major="$(echo "$kernel_latest" | cut -c1)" kernel_url="https://mirrors.edge.kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/v$kernel_major.x" mkdir -p src cd src wget "$kernel_url/linux-$kernel_latest.tar.xz" tar -xf linux-$kernel_latest.tar.xz cd linux-$kernel_latest make defconfig make -j 8 || exit cd .. wget https://busybox.net/downloads/busybox-$busybox_latest.tar.bz2 tar -xf busybox-$busybox_latest.tar.bz2 cd busybox-$busybox_latest make defconfig sed 's/^.*CONFIG_STATIC[^_].*$/CONFIG_STATIC=y/g' -i .config make -j$(nproc) || exit cd .. cd .. cp src/linux-$kernel_latest/arch/x86/boot/bzImage ./ mkdir initrd cd initrd mkdir -p bin dev proc sys cd bin cp ../../src/busybox-$busybox_latest/busybox ./ for prog in $(./busybox --list); do ln -s /bin/busybox ./$prog done cd .. echo '#!/bin/sh' > init echo 'mount -t sysfs sysfs /sys' >> init echo 'mount -t proc proc /proc' >> init echo 'mount -t devtmpfs udev /dev' >> init echo 'sysctl -w kernel.printk="2 4 1 7"' >> init echo 'clear' >> init #todo: recompile to check if this fixes ctrl +c issues echo '::respawn:-/bin/sh' >> init #echo '/bin/sh' >> init chmod -R 777 . find . | cpio -o -H newc > ../initrd.img cd ..